Monday, March 3, 2014

I am not just me

My existence is sustained by many words, wishes, prayers, goodwill, encouragement, people and support. I am a product of love, rebuke, discipline and mentorship. I have not come where I am just by chance or default. Loving people have dedicated their time in moulding me. Laughing, crying, celebrating and scolding me at times, when I rejected their advice, throwing all caution to the wind. They have stuck with me knowing I could be a better person. My thoughts and actions are guided by many role models. When I think, assess and consider, I have frames of reference to tap into. When I decide and act, I have experiences and backgrounds to refer to. I do not just do or act, but I have men and women to refer to who have a vested interest in my daily acts, seen or unseen. So the next time you say or do something wherever you are, do not do it for yourself, as you inevitably do it for others. You are doing it for me and that person who sees you silently. You will be my frame of reference in similar circumstances. I will reflect and refer to what you did in your situation. I will reflect on how you handled that difficult episode. So you see I am not just me as you see me. I am made up of all your actions which I see. You are a part of my life by what you say and do. Much of who you are rubs onto me by our relation. If you are challenged, make me a better person. Don’t just live your life, live it to make me and you better. As we work these building blocks of the many lives we affect. As for me, this much know that I am not just me.

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  1. I am not just me is a wise observation. The ripples in the pond really are infinite. Perhaps the best outlook is to share the credit for our good qualities but assume all of the blame for our stumbles

  2. I like the ripples analogy Paul very relevant. Start small but end up bigger with a much more felt impact. Thanks mate.

  3. Very profound...beautifully said. Wish a majority of the world could look at life this way. But one by one is all it takes. Paul is right about that ripple effect

  4. We are many things to both ourselves and to other people. And we are all part of the one universe. I like the way you linked us all together. Our behavior does not come from a vacuum and neither does the result of it remain in one. Thanks for this thoughtful post.

  5. Very Nice... To bad most of the world are only out for self and don't have this mindset..

  6. No man (or woman or child) is an island. We are interconnected and interwoven. The Ukrainians and the Russians, the Republicans and the Democrats, the rich and the poor.

  7. I like that statement A.K...we are many things to many people and to ourselves. Quite profound in Jacquie's words. We frame out behaviours in various situations according to our dearest role models. The funny thing is some role models never realise they are role models. Interconnected and interwoven like a Kardigan hey Suzanne? The interconnections change wool from individual string to endeared clothing. Deep comments.

  8. Lovely prose, and a great reminder. I like how you put love and rebuke right next to each other. As a parent of young children, I'm surprised how often the two go together!

  9. This really touched me. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all remember these things when we do the things we do? I just had a conversation about this very thing earlier today. What we do affects others, making sure it's the right thing matters. :-)

  10. Nice. I feel so bad for children who grow up without good role models or even a loving touch.

  11. It's interesting how everything we do happens in an ecosystem. Each person is a part of that ecosystem. And we don't stand by ourselves. - We stand as a result of the other people around us. I strive to be a role model to my children, even though I occasionally fail.

  12. Hello

    I am really impressed by purity of your thoughts and love towards others.
    I have also written something about helping others ....
    we live in a wold where we have to stand beside each other , help each other , hold hands and help those who are less blessed.. this is key to change and real happiness and satisfaction....
    IF we do good , it is returned to us same is the case otherwise....
    Thank you for a nice share
