Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Dream wall

The beginning of the year is a time of anticipation. Anticipation in many aspects of life including plans, hopes, dreams, job changes or career pathing intiatives, milestone setting and overcoming past failures. It is a time of so-called New Year Resolutions, which on a lighter note I am not sure how many people achieve past January, especially gym and work out related ones. But seriously, someone told me last year to set up down my desired future and put it on a dream wall and always look at it daily to measure my progression towards it. A dream wall which serves a dual purpose of reminding me of what is to be done, as well as motivation of my desired future. So as a form of inpiration for you, I urge you to have a dream wall for 2013 which will help you achieve those goals and aspirations that you hold dearly. A dream wall that will drive your performance for the year and wake you up at night to plan, study, meditate and strategise your life for success.

Here is to 2014 and may it be a great year for you!!

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