Puppetry has been used since the 5th century BC and was mostly practiced in Ancient Greece and the Greek word for puppet is nevrospastos which literally means drawn by strings. A puppet is an inanimate object or representation of a person or animal that is moved either by strings or by a hand. There are many forms and types of puppets including string drawn, hand, glove, sock, finger and shadow puppets among others. A puppet has no life, voice nor movement of its own and its actions are solely based on the person pulling the strings for a string drawn puppet who determines what the puppet can do. It is mostly used for educational or entertainment purposes among others with an audience watching and enjoying the show.
What strings?
I have often heard and still hear of people being called puppets in one way or another when they are deemed incapable of making their own independent decisions or they act to please certain people. This is one way of demeaning someone who is weak in autonomy and independence. And so they are spoken of as if they have someone pulling the strings behind the scenes and determining how they act and decide. While watching a puppet show recently, I thought about how pervasive string pullers are in any person's life. Comparing life to a performance where friends, family and even strangers are watching, one can either do things that make people clap and congratulate, or leave people shocked and wondering what just went down. These actions are based on various types of environmental stimuli which can be likened to string pullers. Think of marketing campaigns, billboards on the freeway as you drive, musical advertisements playing in the background while you shop or the pop up adverts as you browse the web. These are all string pullers that can determine your actions if you let them. Other types of string pullers include culture, peers, religion, role models, trend setters, magazines, opinion leaders and books. They all play a role in a person's life depending on internalization, to the point of making people buy products, eat certain types of foods, drive particular cars, drink, act and react or associate with certain brands and people the way they do. I decided to title this post "managing string pullers" and not getting rid of them, because I view them as inevitable and even a necessary part of life which needs to be managed properly. As a person is an autonomous decision making entity having the freedom of choice, there is always the option to accept or reject the effect of string pullers and environmental influences that come into one's life. Unlike a puppet, which does exactly as its master wants, much to the amusement of everyone around, a person can say yes or no, yet this will not stop the same or other competing string pullers from trying to gain acceptance and influence within one's life.
Strings and goals
There are positive string pullers and negative ones and it is important to identify them appropriately after which one needs to manage and align string pullers in line with personally desired outcomes in life. Aligning string pullers with one's goals is very important as it facilitates achievement of those goals. Sadly, many a people have ruined their lives while others are watching on the sidelines, much in the same way that a puppet performs for a crowd through allowing the wrong string pullers in their lives or even failing to identify bad string pullers and managing them in line with desired path. One cannot simply allow each and every string to be pulled in whichever direction without having a say or at least rejecting some string pullers. The self help book 7 Habits of highly effective people, speaks about how successful people should manage string pullers to achieve their desired ends and is also a string puller in itself. It speaks to a mindset change by prescribing what successful people should allow and not allow in their life. My encouragement is for you to increase your exposure to progressive and positive string pullers which compliment and align with your goals, while limiting or cutting out negative ones that inhibit and thwart those same goals. Detach yourself from string pullers which are not in tandem with your life goals, while attaching yourself to those that will catapult you to your destiny. Have a review process to carry out independent assessments of the impact these influences have on your life and be able to make the right choices for your life. How do you view the impact of the above or any other string pullers you have faced in your life and how do you manage them?
Very interesting post Welli. When I hear the term string puller, I immediately think of the negative. I'd never given much thought to the positive string puller! That's an interesting prospect! But that's exactly what a mentor does, right? And I also think people might be more susceptible to the negative type if they aren't clear in their own goals.
ReplyDeleteAs I watched this puppet show that is when I realized that "puppet" is always negatively construed to demean people affected in the negative sense of string pullers, yet there are many positive string pullers whom we look up to as well.
DeleteI don't do well with negative string pullers in my life; positive ones have a hard enough time. I do agree that the positive kind help you learn and grow as a person while the exact opposite can be said for the negative.
ReplyDeleteHello Welli; I agree with you in that we cannot eliminate the string pullers from our lives. I like the idea of controlling them. I think you covered all the various string pullers in your list. Its all about removing as many negative influences from our lives as possible. This means seeking out quality people, enriching tv shows and movies, great books, etc. looking forward to your next awesome post, Max
ReplyDeleteHi Welli,
ReplyDeleteYes, we hear all the time of political puppets as well. I'm glad you added about the positive string pullers as well. A couple of thoughts came to mind... having a silent partner in a business venture and having encouraging people in your corner rooting you on. My attitude towards string pullers, good and bad, is to look for and elicit the best in others.
Kind Regards,
Hi Welli - I never thought of myself as a puppet but it was interesting to read about all the string pullers in our lives. There is a lot out there that does influence what we do, how we dress, even what we eat. I think I'll actively start looking for the positive string pullers, the ones we can learn from, like you.
Very interesting post. You reminds to use string pullers to achieve success in our lives.
ReplyDeleteHi Welli, it's an interesting way of looking at the way people interact with us. I've just weeded out some negative string pullers in my life, cut their cords and moved on. It was the best thing I did but those who pull to help me I'll definitely keep!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous metaphor Welli. When you talked about positive string pullers, I could immediately relate. There are several people I can think of in my life who - pulled strings for me that were helpful in one way or another. Wish there were more people using THOSE strings.
Good advice, Welli. Unfortunately there are billions of "puppets" all over the world that have little, or no, opportunity of getting away from the string pullers.
ReplyDeleteRight. They are inevitable. I like to think that most aren't negative but I fear that isn't true. There are some that present themselves as positive and like to take credit for pulling strings to get you where you want but I haven't found that to be true.
ReplyDeleteI think the toughest situations are those where we don't recognize the string pullers, don't realize the impact someone else is having on our lives. The impact in those cases is usually negative. The first step here is to recognize the strings.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting subject. In some sense I guess we are in some ways a puppet. Some people pull our strings; others pull the puppet masters stings, and so on and so on. We have to decide who we are going to let pull our strings and how hard.
ReplyDeleteI think, like the moon on the ocean, everyone we associate with has some pull on our lives. As you said, the thing to do is increase your exposure to those who exert a positive pull on you.
ReplyDeleteThere will always be pull stringers but you do have a choice how react to them. I try to stay away from negative pull stringers as they are toxic. There are times when I will catch myself and think not going to bring me down
ReplyDeleteWelli, I tend to make decisions that are well-informed, without having any "string-pullers" influence me. This is an interesting concept, though.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I like puppets and have always enjoyed puppet shows! :)
I love the analogy. We often think of string pullers as a negative thing. When I think back, I remember people who pulled strings for me that proved to be very helpful when I most needed it. Now I find that I can do that for others and it feels good to be of help to someone in need. :-)
ReplyDeleteSuch an inspiring post and excellent segue from puppets to being successful. I enjoyed every word of this. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThis is very interesting. I like the comparisons. There are so many string pullers and it seems like everything is a puppet show. Thanks for this post.
ReplyDeleteGreat Post with good comparisons. As a parent, I am so aware of becoming a string puller too and I hope that I am being more positive than negative.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jacquie above who stated that she had never really thought of positive string-pullers. But I have managed to cut myself free from a few negative pullers (including my ex-husband) and feel much better being surrounded by positive string pullers. Plus it helps one have the confidence to be as autonomous as possible and less affected by the strings in the first place.
ReplyDeleteThe way power struggles play out between involved parties has always fascinated me. Many people are not as good at manipulation as they would like to think. Over the years, I've just found it best to call people on their ways in a polite, but firm way so they'll know I'm not having any of it.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting piece. I agree there are positive and negative string pullers. We must also realize that we ourselves have the power to be the string pullers in someone else's life and must be careful which kind of puller we will be.....I also agree that in the past when hearing the word puppet it pulling someone's strings or even pawn, it always seemed to carry a negative connotation...now I will survey the situation first before assessing a negative it positive to those phrases. Thanks Welli